Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tool # 11 Assessment and Reflection

Some of my favorite tools I learned about and plan to use are You Tube, Drop Box, Wordle, Brainpop Jr., Storybird, and Google Docs. Although it takes time for students to learn how to use technology and use a keyboard/keypad, I would like students to use Wordle to create a project using words to show what they learned about the topic. 

My vision for my classroom has changed dramatically. Students will be able to use technology to create a wider variety of projects. They will have more choices and activities to do during work stations. They will also be able to expand their knowledge and technology skills. I will have to create an area for technology in the classroom as well as change some of my work stations.

One of the things that surprised me were that some of the websites and requirements for the eleven tools were easy to navigate while others were much more challenging. Things that I thought would be simple sometimes turned out more difficult. I can see there is much more to come when using these online databases, resources, and technology. 

Tool #10 Digital Citizenship

Three things I want my students to understand about being a good digital citizen is 1) how to safely research and navigate websites 2) How to use appropriate etiquette and communication with others on the web 3) How to keep your personal information safe by using your password.

One website I would use is Kidsmart. This website is a good link to teach students about safety on the internet. Brainpop jr. is also a good website.

To teach safety on the internet I would show a video such as one from Kidsmart or NetSmartzKids to introduce the subject. I would hold a group discussion on what the students know about internet safety and good digital citizenship. We would make a chart of appropriate behavior and rules together as a class. 

I would include Digital Citizenship in a newsletter home to the parents. Parents will have to sign an acknowledgement form. The newsletter would include useful information and links the parents can go to in order to learn more. 

Tool # 9 Classroom Tools for Learning

  1. Why do you think it is important to tie the technology to the objective? You need to incorporate the technology into the objective so the students know what they will be using and what the expected project or task is.
  2. Why should we hold students accountable for the stations/centers? You need to hold students accountable in order to know they are successful and learning. This will show if students have mastered the skill.
  3. Visit 2 of the applicable links to interactive websites for your content/grade level. Which sites did you like. How could you use them as stations? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations? Learning Games for Kids was a good sight for students to use during worksations. There are math and literacy games that students at a kindergarten level could use. The students could write down math problems/answers for accountability or record answers. Another website I liked was StudyLadder. This website had grade appropriate material for multiple subjects. It also has printable activities. This would allow students to do an activity on the computer then print and complete an activity for accountability.
  4. List two to three apps you found for the iPod Touch/iPad that you can use in your classroom. What do you see that station looking like? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations? One of the ipad apps I liked was the Alphabet Tracing application. It allows students to practice their letter formation. After they completed the program on the Ipad they could write the letters in their journal for accountability. I also liked A Montessori Approach to math Hundred Board Lite. This program is free and helps students with counting to 100 and sequencing. This program has a score at the bottom to allow the teacher to check for accountability and progress. 
  5. What about other ways to use the iPod Touch/iPad? Share another way you can see your students using the device as a station. Students can use Ipads for many different things. They can use the ipads to access applications for work stations, record videos, and take pictures. Students can access Storybird, Wordle, TumbleBooks, and more.

Tool #8 New Tools

One of the devices I learned more about was the Dell Netbooks. They have a projector connection which would allow students to work from their computers then project their work via the projector. Students are also able to record videos and take pictures from the Netbooks. I also learned how to set up and sync Itunes account.

I plan on using the new devices in small group with the teacher in the beginning. This will allow me to teach the students how to use the materials carefully and correctly. It will also allow me to set up rules with the materials. After giving instructions the students will be able to use the tools independently in work stations.

Tool #7 Online Digital Projects

I looked at a bunch of different resources for tool #7. It seemed challenging to me because there were so many different items and I wasn't even sure where to begin. Iearn was a website I felt was best because you could search for age level and find a project that might fit. I found a link on Folk Tales and Story Telling: iEarn Folk Tales

a. Using audio and video, TSW create stories about folk tales to share with students globally.
b. Students will begin to create stories in the first and second nine weeks. During the 3rd 9 weeks, students will record their videos and audio of their stories. The 4th 9 weeks the students will share their videos with other countries via skype and powerpoint presentations.
c. Tools: Skype, Power Point, Story Bird, and Drop Box
d. The students will listen to folk tales read by the teacher and ask parents about other folk tales or alternate versions. They will then recreate these folk tales by using the above tools and create a Power Point or Video.

Tool #6 Discussions

After looking through different ways to discuss and communicate I found a few that were most interesting. I think Google Docs is a simple way for teammates and co-workers to communicate and comment. Skype is a program that would allow a face to face way to communicate.

I also checked out Poll Everywhere. I created a  Farm Animal Poll. I feel this would be useful for kindergarten because you can add pictures for those students that can not read. You can use this information for graphing and counting as well.

Tool #5 Web 2.0 Tools

I enjoyed looking at all the web 2.0 tools. It makes learning more fun! I even had fun creating some of the items myself. The first tool I tried using was Animoto. You get to pick out pictures, music, and videos to create a movie. It was easy to use and creates a professional looking product.

Seasons Video

I also created a story using Storybird. The students might not be able to type their own stories but they can work with a teacher and pick what pictures they want and narrate the story.

The Mad Scientist

Tool #4

I did not really know much about Google Docs or Cloud and I can't believe how much is out there. I can definitely use Google Apps with my team when creating new pictures, documents, even quizzes. I would love if we could get the kindergartners to use this for online assessments however it might be a bit hard for them considering their reading levels. I think using Google Docs is most beneficial for myself and teammates in order to create and edit documents. Very useful!